Saturday, September 12, 2015

IBPA Member...Why Does This Matter

Tin Whiskers Publisher is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). So, why does this matter?
IBPA is a not-for-profit organization that serves independent small- and mid-size publishers. It provides advocacy, education, and tools to help independent publishers establish and grow their businesses. IBPA has over 3,000 members making it the largest publishing trade association in the United States.

For authors, working with an IBPA member provides assurances that the publisher adheres to a code of ethics. The publisher pledges to:
  • to uphold the highest standards of our industry, to create works of lasting financial and/or cultural value, and to pursue editorial, design, and production excellence;
  • respect the rights of authors and other creators and stakeholders, to observe all copyright laws and conventions, and to never knowingly publish plagiarized work;
  • reward authors and contributors for their work, to be honest in our financial dealings, to write contracts in understandable language, to resolve all disputes promptly and fairly, and to foster equal opportunity in our workplaces;
  • not mislead readers or buyers with false promises, inflated sales data, or manipulated reviews; and
  • recycle and reuse and to follow green practices.
A publisher following this code of ethics ensures the author will be fairly treated. Hopefully, the author and publisher will have a long and fruitful relationship.

Tin Whiskers Publisher is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). IBPA’s mission is “to lead and serve the independent publishing community by providing advocacy, education, and tools for success.” IBPA is a not-for-profit membership organization serving and leading the independent publishing community. Founded in 1983, it is the largest publishing trade organization in the United States. IBPA members pledge to uphold the organization’s code of ethics.

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